Ever wondered where all these Integromat scenarios came from and had trouble finding the right ones? Then this Integromat Tutorial is for you.
Watch this video or read the step by step process below. 👇
Automated business processes are getting more and more common in the business sector. They used to be thought of as tacky, but now take place everywhere. Especially online, where most people are looking to save time, automating processes allows you to quickly and easily improve your efficiency. How do you grow your automation? How can you scale your business while still being able to maintain quality? Integromat can help you achieve both of those objectives with its easy-to-use, connected interface. Here are nine quick and easy tips on how you can stay organized within Integromat to set yourself up for scaling your automation.
The first tip is when you're joining your organization, you will usually see its name, My Lab. When you join a new client's account, it just shows My Lab and you would want to add their name to it. Why? Because when you log into your account, you have access to all the organizations that you got invited to. You get all the organizations and if they would all be called My Lab, you would have no idea what they are about.
So the first thing you do when you join a new organization is renaming it by going to Dashboard , then Change details.
Rename. Type in the Organization name. Save it.
Now you can easily find that organization again when you need it.
Go into Scenarios.
Create a new folder.
Name it, <Organization Abbreviation> - Development.
Create all your scenarios inside that client’s folder when they are in the development stage, so you can easily access them anytime. And when they are ready, move them into the production folders.
Sort your scenarios by numbering them. Start with 10. Then, 20. The reason why not use 1234567 is because these are completely different scenarios. Think of them like milestones. So the whole process goes from zero to 100 or greater than that. In between you have milestones i.e. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, etc. This way you can easily create more scenarios that are in between.
The fourth tip that I have for you is to include the modules or the main modules that you're using inside of that scenario in your scenario name. The reason for that is that it makes it super easy to search for them. If you're looking for a specific scenario that is tied to a specific system, for example, Shopify or Airtable, then you can just search through all your scenarios easily like that.
The next thing is to add a timestamp. Add a timestamp after the name using brackets on when the scenario was created or updated. You may also put in the email address of the person who is responsible for that scenario. So in any case, when something goes wrong, everyone knows the person in charge to fix it.
Adding numbering should also be done for folders. We want to create folders for every thing that should be together.
That way you can keep your clients organized and then have the numbering as a sub-ordering for the specific folders that you need. And then just drag and drop the scenarios that you want to be inside of their folder into the folder. And then when you click on the folder, you just see the scenarios that are inside of that folder.
Use Emojis. The construction site symbol (🚧) means the scenario is still in development and not yet finished. The check mark (✅) means it's completely done and fully functional. Then the yellow triangle caution sign is when there's something wrong in the scenario and needs to be checked. Tip # 5 then comes in handy, now knowing who to contact to fix the scenario.
Tip number eight is to create an overview chart of what you're working on. Hyperlink the elements used in the overview chart to the actual scenarios. You could then simply click on them and you'll get straight to that scenario, make changes, review it and so on.
So the 9th tip is to create a note to the trigger, so that is going straight to the source. Right click on the trigger module i.e. Webhook. Add a note.
Put in the URL where the trigger is defined.
For example, you may put the URL to the API documentation. Link directly to where the notification is being set to be sent out. That way, you can easily make changes or know where it's coming from, where the data is coming from.
And here's a 10th bonus tip. Rename every single module, almost every single one. You can easily do it by just right clicking the module and then clicking Rename.
This makes it easier for you to know what each module does in your scenario.
So yeah, these have been my nine plus one tips on how to stay organized and how to organize your or your client's account in order to make it scalable and you know what is going on later on.
Easily find scenarios that you are looking for on Integromat.
Save money by using Integromat Functions. That way you can really reduce the amount of operations being used and create your scenarios a lot more flexible and more efficient. I've got a cheat sheet for you where every function that is available on Integromat is listed in there. You can easily search through it. You can copy and paste the formulas in Integromat directly into the text field, and it will give you more details about the functions and how to use them and also what are my most used functions and why. Get your own copy of the cheat sheet and just put it on your desktop. Open it while you're working and easily search through it by pressing Command or CTRL F and just typing in the function that you're looking for and you will get all the details that you need about it.
Those are the 9 + 1 tips on how to stay organized inside of your organization, to scale or to set yourself up for scaling.
We hope you got something out of this blog. It’s always our intention to provide people with information that they can use to improve their lives. If you have any questions about Integromat or about automations in general, do not hesitate to contact us anytime through Techflow.ai.
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