Business Process Automation Services & Solutions

Add Hours To Your Day
With Our Gift of Time

Automation | Data Integration | Workflow Optimization | Consulting

These examples are not exhaustive.

We help create customized solutions for your problems.

For example: A client with a problem of having to deal with overwhelming sales enquiries would require a different solution from a client who is spending too much time on marketing and they want to automate their marketing efforts.

Simply put, we’ll uncover your biggest problem in the business and apply the most suitable solution for you based on your current needs. Robot typing on laptop and developing business process automation.

Process Automation

If you feel that a certain process in your business is taking up too much of your time, we’ll help you simplify the process with automation.

Data Gathering

You can execute surveys or questionnaires easily to serve your customers better. This creates a feedback loop for you to stay ahead of your competitors.

Generate and Nurture Leads

You can automate the lead generation and nurturing process so it doesn’t take too much of your time.

Provide Personalized Product Recommendations

Giving customers what they want increases conversions.

We’ve helped our clients save over 15,000
hours cumulatively (... That’s 6,250 days).

Not sure which part of your business needs automation?
Don’t worry. We’ve created an automation quiz for you.

Here are the steps to proceed: Work process to automate your business

You Apply

If you’re curious about how you can use automation to simplify your business… fill up the contact form below to apply.

Then take the automation quiz we’ve created for you.

We Audit

We’ll get on a call to understand your current business process and what tasks are stealing time away from you.

If you’re already using a chatbot, we’ll even help you check your chatbot processes so you know what are the inefficiencies holding you back.

We Automate

We’ll work on building what you need - whether it is custom automation, chatbot creation/optimization… or even AI data analytics.

This will be created based on the process maps we’ll share with you in our process audit.

You Enjoy

Congratulations! Now you can finally take more time off if you want. You can also scale your business with less manpower and less headaches.

The whole point of automation is doing more work with less effort.

In fact, you can apply below to find out the most useful automations you can apply to your business right now.

Apply Now

Our special approach:

Gift of Time Automation Program

(For Custom Automations)

Tired of working on manual, repetitive tasks you don’t enjoy?

Let us find out what tasks are holding you back from growing your business.

We’ll walk you through your current business processes step-by-step and filter out tasks that can be automated.

This way, you can enjoy more time off to grow your business or focus on other parts of your life (Like working out or spending more time with family and friends).

Apply Now Gift of Time Automations Program for advanced automation services

Ultimate Flow Chatbot
Booster Program

(For Custom Chatbots Integration)

Do you need help with a Chatbot you have already built?

Like connecting it to a 3rd party application like Shopify, CRM tool or Email Marketing Tool.

We’ve got that covered.

In addition, we can check your current Chatbot flow and processes to see how we can optimize it for better performance.

The result? You can expect the chatbot to do EVEN MORE work for you while you sit back, relax and enjoy the computer solving problems on your behalf.

Apply Now Ultimate Flow Chatbot Booster Program for giving your chatbot the ultimate integration boost.

AI Relief Support Program

(For AI Supported Smart Chatbots)

Having an Intelligent Chatbot is one of the best ways to automate your customer service. When you have a Chatbot that understands your user's intent, it’s almost like having a reliable robot who can work 24/7 for you without fail. Unfortunately, you now have a very cool chatbot built out, but it’s not working out the way you want it to be…Because you’re still constantly replying to queries all the time.

Your chatbot keeps responding with the same message "Sorry, I didn't understand that" and you have to respond to your users via Chat manually.

We’ve helped our clients develop AI-powered chatbots which can respond to all sorts of requests like customer support, sales queries and even lead nurturing.

Best of all, you can even gather tangible, actionable data with your Chatbot.

Data that will help you make better business decisions.

Like what products to promote and sell, what products to eliminate.

Which periods do you typically get more sales and queries?

Why are your customers buying from you? And what do they like about you?

If you develop your Chatbot correctly, you can almost turn it into a detective.

A detective that gathers every single piece of data about your customers.

I’d say it’s probably the most insane marketing weapon you can have… it’s almost like building your very own search engine.

Finally, you can have a chatbot that’s understood by your customers… and at the same time, a chatbot that understands your customers.

If you’d like to improve the utility of your Chatbot with AI (yes… artificial intelligence), then you should absolutely reach out. AIR Support Program to relief your support staff by getting the help of smart AI chatbots to answer the majority of the questions.
How to Find Processes to Automate eBook

Are you burning out from the 4 Biggest Time-Wasting Tasks in your business?

This FREE guide will help you and your clients to find out what your biggest time wasters are that you could automate right now to free up your time and enjoy work again.

Download Now