Nowadays, scalability is gaining popularity in the business world. Having scalability in place is beneficial in many ways. For example, with scalability you can increase the amount of work you can get done in a short timeframe. Many people in the business world are beginning to understand how to scale intelligent automation and how it can drastically improve productivity.
Moreover, Intelligent Automation (IA) has proven that its ability to scale is one of the biggest benefits to a business. Being able to automate almost any process within a business, IA can greatly contribute to the productivity and efficiency of a business. With intelligent automation, the only limit is the imagination of the programmer. Many automation projects fail, though, because of scalability problems. The top 10% of successful automation projects saw scalability as a major benefit, where the other 90% failed due to scalability issues.
For scaling companies, they want to have the right leader, who is a visionary and at the same time responsible for day-to-day things. They need a leader who is willing to work hard and doesn't take things for granted. At the same time, they do not believe in giving too much freedom to employees, as they believe that they need to be strict and organized for things to run smoothly. Moreover, they need someone to enforce their company culture and make sure their employees stay on the same page. The right person will consistently and effectively plan and prioritize tasks and responsibilities, and be able to work well with others.
Hence, managers and business leaders should ensure scalability of intelligent automation; they have to cover all the use cases within a business line. Also, be scalable across other business lines, platforms and systems. And, integrate with other products within the customer base.
Executives have a lot of power in company culture. When they don't give their support to a certain idea or project, it is doomed from the start. While this is a common thing to see, without proper support everything will fall apart. A lack of enthusiasm from management can be a challenge, but it can be overcome by starting small and setting up a team of dedicated people that are willing to take some risk. Choose the most valuable use case and once you have a working product, show executives why it's worth their time.
One of the most important skills for mastering an automated world is the ability to craft the right expectations, all while understanding what automation can (and cannot) bring to the table. That is, scale intelligent automation. Moreover, it's important to constantly explore what business processes could be automated, which processes should be streamlined, and which services need to be of better quality. You can't simply trust your gut to make these decisions. You must consider all the facts, including the big picture. That's why you need to start from the macro level and work your way down.
Having a strategy in place before the beginning of a project is a great way to prevent a lot of wasted time. You certainly don't want to be building a feature from scratch and have other partners come along and say, "We don't have the resources to fully support this," or "This is not going to work with other features." The other partners involved should be involved in the process from the get-go. The earlier you bring them in, the more things get ironed out before you're knee-deep in development.
Any automation journey has challenges, but the leadership must provide the right environment to address the scale of intelligent automation consistently. Regardless of your journey, it is imperative to build an environment where you understand the significant changes you are making to the business. For example, helped work on a large organization's automation journey. With every project, the initiative was deployed to production. We made sure the stakeholders were educated on the changes by soliciting their feedback during the release training.
Suffice it to say, any automation journey has its own set of challenges, and as an automation engineer, it's your job to solve these challenges. One of the most important parts of this process is taking ownership of your automated tasks and making sure they're integrated into the larger processes. Here at, we hear the customer tell us that they want more automation. To achieve our goals of sustained performance and customer satisfaction, we use Make (formerly Integromat) to meet these challenges with automation and make sure we consistently address the process and manage it correctly.
When scaling your automation, you can rely on the toolset, but it is always best to commit to the process. Taking ownership of the process will help you address the great responsibility at hand.
Key Takeaway #1: Ownership is tenacious, but responsibility is even more so. Take the opportunity to learn the process on top of relying on the toolset. The toolset may be right, but it doesn't give you the flexibility to adapt to the ever-changing industry. Instead, you'll be locked into a single approach and that can leave your organization vulnerable.
Key Takeaway #2: Scalable automation that is owned and consistently addressed will increase your market share and deliver products and services that customers will love.
We recommend Make Simplified Accelerator automation course for anyone looking to get started in the field. They have an easy to follow curriculum that will give you a solid base of knowledge and the skills needed to automate processes in a variety of situations. They have a variety of levels for anyone looking to get a high level of mastery in the field.
Usually, when you are in search of info about how to automate your work, you come across lots of weird ways to automate.
Feeling frustrated from spending too much time on tasks you don’t enjoy?
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